Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Your capacity to care

What do you desire most? Some say it's a pay cheque. Others might argue it's a vacation in Hawaii after a long, cold winter. But happiness comes in a variety of packages, all wrapped up in a rainbow of coloured paper. Happiness could be a bright happy-face sticker on an assignment, marking efforts well-done. Happiness could be the text message from that cute boy or girl in your third period Algebra class. For new parents, happiness could be a good night's sleep or a successful toilet-training session. Happiness could be a letter or card from an old friend via snail mail. Happiness is anything that brings a smile to your face, but how does that smile get there in the first place? Most of the time,it's the unexpected events in our days that bring the most joy. Setting out to be happy never really works. Expectations often get in the way, forcing our happiness into the open with a painted on smile. It's the moments when there are no expectations that create the most satisfaction. A psychologist friend once said, "Plan the event, not the outcome." Letting your heart guide your actions can turn a mediocre day into one full of pleasant surprises.Random acts of kindness are all about striking out with your heart instead of your head. Giving from the heart is the most generous act of kindness anyone can offer, and it doesn't cost a dime. It's the doggie water bowls on the busy city sidewalks. It's spotting the first robin of the season, and sharing the news of spring with a friend. It's hearing a song on the radio that brings back a memory from your childhood and downloading it for your sister to see if she remembers. Generosity doesn't require bags of cash; only bundles of compassion. It's about thinking about the other guy instead of yourself. Spring is the optimal tine to test-drive your capacity to care when nature is waking up from its winter nap. Why not pick up that empty chip bag, blowing in the wind without a care in the world, and put it in the garbage to keep your community clean? Why not lend a hand, or an ear, or a moment of your time to someone else who needs it? Why not offer a smile or a hot cup of coffee to that living-breathing-down-on-her-luck street person you walk by every single day on your way home from work? Make the world more beautiful by being in it, and present. What do you get in return? Witnessing happiness brings happiness. If you have an opportunity, visit the link, www.thaigoodstories.com to view the heartwarming Thai commercial and witness what happiness can mean.

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